


  1. Yoshiko Urayama, “シカゴ建築バーチャルツアー: 建築の街シカゴと日本とのつながり”, The Chicago Shimpo, The Chicago Shimpo, January 1, https://www.chicagoshimpo.com/news-jp/-.
  2. Exhibit: Nikkeijin Illinois. 19 Feb.-10 Dec. 2023, Spurlock Museum of World Cultures, Illinois.
  3. Timelines on the large print exhibit of Nikkeijin Illinois. 19 Feb.-10 Dec. 2023, Spurlock Museum of World Cultures, Illinois.
  4. 年表を見る,” 明治150年 インターネット特別展岩倉使節団 ~海を超えた150人の軌跡~, 国立公文書館 アジア歴史資料センター, accessed March 25, 2024,  https://www.jacar.go.jp/iwakura/history/index.html.

  5. Yoshiko Urayama, "Sister City Chicago and Osaka Celebrates 50 Years of Prosperity", The Chicago Shimpo, The Chicago Shimpo, August 15, https://www.chicagoshimpo.com/news/sister-city-chicago-and-osaka-celebrates-50-years-of-prosperity#:~:text=Since%20the%20sister%2Dcity%2Daffiliation,of%20the%20sister%2Dcity%2Dstreets.
  6. "日米和親条約(にちべいわしんじょうやく) | 史料編", 国立国会図書館国際子ども図書館, 2014, https://www.kodomo.go.jp/yareki/archive/archive_01.html.

Early Days

Iwakura Mission

  1. Meiji at 150; Special Internet Exhibition The Iwakura Mission -Tracking 150 People Who Crossed the Oceans-, “Legacy of the Iwakura Mission,” Meiji at 150; Special Internet Exhibition The Iwakura Mission -Tracking 150 People Who Crossed the Oceans-, Accessed December 5, 2023, https://www.jacar.go.jp/english/iwakura_en/column/column2.html.  
  2. 中高生のための幕末・明治の日本の歴史辞典, “岩倉使節団,” 中高生のための幕末・明治の日本の歴史辞典, Accessed December 5, 2023, https://www.kodomo.go.jp/yareki/theme/theme_09.html.  
  3. Saburo Izumi, “The Iwakura Mission: Japan’s 1871 Voyage to Discover the Western World,” nippon.com, June 7, 2019, https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-topics/g00680/the-iwakura-mission-japan%E2%80%99s-1871-voyage-to-discover-the-western-world.html.  
  4. Kazuo Ito, Chicago Nikkei Hyakunenshi (Chicago: Chicago Nikkeijinkai, 1986), 14. 
  5. Ito, Chicago Nikkei Hyakunenshi, 20.
  6. Ito, Chicago Nikkei Hyakunenshi, 25-26.
  7. Kunitake Kume, “Tokumei Zenken Taishi Bei-O Kairan Jikki Part 1 the United States of America,” National Diet Library Digital Collections, Accessed July 29, 2023, https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/761502/1/118

World’s Columbian Exposition

  1. Kazuo Ito, Chicago Nikkei Hyakunenshi (Chicago: Chicago Nikkeijinkai, 1986), 39. 
  2. Ito, Chicago Nikkei Hyakunenshi, 41-42.
  3. Ito, Chicago Nikkei Hyakunenshi, 45-46.
  4. Ito, Chicago Nikkei Hyakunenshi, 47-48.
  5. Ito, Chicago Nikkei Hyakunenshi, 50-51.
  6. The Art Institute of Chicago, “Frank Lloyd Wright,” The Art Institute of Chicago, Accessed December 7, 2023, https://www.artic.edu/artists/37362/frank-lloyd-wright.
  7. Ayako Yoshimura, “Japanese Garden in Jackson Park,” Nikkei South Side: Japanese and Japanese Americans in Hyde Park and its Vicinity, The University of Chicago Library, Accessed December 7, 2023, https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/collex/exhibits/nikkei-south-side-japanese-and-japanese-americans-hyde-park-and-its-vicinity/japanese-garden-jackson-park/
  8. 大阪市建設局, “米国イリノイ州シカゴ市ジャクソンパーク内「大阪ガーデン」の修復事業,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, December 25, 2019, https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/local/page25_002050.html.  
  9. Expositions, “The Exterior of the Ho-o-Den,” Expositions, Accessed July 28, 2023, https://www.ndl.go.jp/exposition/e/data/R/207r.html


    Buddhism: Temples in Chicago

    1. Midwest Buddhist Temple. “About Us – Midwest Buddhist Temple”, Midwest Buddhist Temple, Midwest Buddhist Temple, accessed July 2, 2023, https://mbtchicago.org/about-the-temple
    2. Ibid.
    3. Ibid.
    4. Ibid.
    5. The Buddhist Temple of Chicago. “About Us – The Buddhist Temple of Chicago”, The Buddhist Temple of Chicago, The Buddhist Temple of Chicago, January 15, 2023, https://buddhisttemplechicago.org/about-us/
    6. Ibid.
    7. Ibid.
    8. Bill Bohlman. (Temple President of The Buddhist Temple of Chicago) Talk with Natsumi Hayashi, Erin Newton, Ulpanay Djoldasova, Mai Hasegawa, Gennosuke Kuninaka, Nicole Ruby, and Kengo Uehara, June 21, 2023.

    Buddhism: "Americanized" Buddhism

    1. Joseph Biden, “Day Of Remembrance Of Japanese American Incarceration During World War II | The White House”, The White House, The White House, February 18, 2022, https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/02/18/day-of-remembrance-of-japanese-american-incarceration-during-world-war-ii/
    2. Duncan Ryūken Williams, American Sutra (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard Univerity Press, 2019), 85-6.
    3. Ibid.
    4. Duncan Ryūken Williams, American Sutra (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard Univerity Press, 2019), 86-7.
    5. National Park Service, “Buddhism Under Japanese Incarceration During WWII (U.S. National Park Service”, National Park Service, National Park Service, February 23, 2023, https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/buddhism-under-japanese-incarceration-during-wwii.htm
    6. Ron Miyamura. (Reverend of Midwest Buddhist Temple) Talk with Natsumi Hayashi, Erin Newton, Ulpanay Djoldasova, Mai Hasegawa, Gennosuke Kuninaka, Nicole Ruby, and Kengo Uehara, June 21, 2023.
    7. National Park Service, “Buddhism Under Japanese Incarceration During WWII (U.S. National Park Service”, National Park Service, National Park Service, February 23, 2023, https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/buddhism-under-japanese-incarceration-during-wwii.htm
    8. Ron Miyamura. (Reverend of Midwest Buddhist Temple) Talk with Natsumi Hayashi, Erin Newton, Ulpanay Djoldasova, Mai Hasegawa, Gennosuke Kuninaka, Nicole Ruby, and Kengo Uehara, June 21, 2023.
    9. Ibid.

    Christianity: Lakeside Church and Japanese Americans

    1. Lakeside Church of Chicago, “About — Lakeside Church of Chicago”, Lakeside Church of Chicago, Lakeside Church of Chicago, accessed July 2, 2023, https://lakesidechicago.church/about#history
    2. Ibid.

    Christianity: In the Incarceration Camp

    1. Anne M. Blankenship, Christianity, Social Justice, and the Japanese American Incarceration during World War II (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press, 2016), 140

    Preservation of History

    The Art Institute of Chicago

    1. Yoshiko Urayama, “シカゴ建築バーチャルツアー: 建築の街シカゴと日本とのつながり,” The Chicago Shimpo, The Chicago Shimpo, January 1, https://www.chicagoshimpo.com/news-jp/-.

    Midwest Buddhist Temple

    1. Midwest Buddhist Temple, “About the Temple History of Our Temple,” MIDWEST BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Midwest Buddhist Temple, accessed July 2, 2023, https://mbtchicago.org/about-the-temple/history-of-our-temple/.

    The Buddhist Temple of Chicago (BTC)

    1. The Buddhist Temple of Chicago, “ABOUT US,” The Buddhist Temple of Chicago, The Buddhist Temple of Chicago, January 15, 2023, https://buddhisttemplechicago.org/about-us/.

    Lakeside Church of Chicago

    1. Lakeside Church of Chicago, “History of Lakeside,” LAKESIDE CHURCH OF CHICAGO, Lakeside Church of Chicago, accessed July 2, 2023, https://lakesidechicago.church/history#:~:text=Lakeside%20Church%20of%20Chicago,-About&text=Established%20in%20June%201943%2C%20a,an%20apartment

    Chicago Japanese American Historical Society (CJAHS)

    1. Discover Nikkei, “Chicago Japanese American Historical Society,” Discover Nikkei, Discover Nikkei, accessed July 2, 2023, https://discovernikkei.org/en/organizations/cjahs/about/.
    2. Chicago Japanese American Historical Society, “ABOUT,” CHICAGO JAPANESE AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Chicago Japanese American Historical Society, accessed July 2, 2023, https://cjahs.org/.
    3. Chicago Japanese American Historical Society, “ARCHIVE,” CHICAGO JAPANESE AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Chicago Japanese American Historical Society, accessed July 2, 2023, https://cjahs.org/archive/.

    Japanese Mutual Aid Society of Chicago

    1. Takako Day, “The Japanese Mutual Aid Society and Charles Yasuma Yamazaki - Part 1,” Discover Nikkei, Discover Nikkei, June 18 2019, https://discovernikkei.org/en/journal/2019/6/18/mutual-aid-society-1/#:~:text=The%20Japanese%20Society%20of%20Chicago,Society%20was%20formed%20in%201935..
    2. Japanese Mutual Aid Society, “Mission Statement,” JAPANESE MUTUAL AID SOCIETY, Japanese Mutual Aid Society, accessed July 2, 2023, https://jmaschicago.org/about/mission/.
    3. Japanese Mutual Aid Society, “History,” JAPANESE MUTUAL AID SOCIETY, Japanese Mutual Aid Society, accessed July 2, 2023, https://jmaschicago.org/about/history/.

    Legacy Center of the Japanese American Service Committee (JASC)

    1. JASC, “About JASC,” JASC, JASC, accessed July 2, 2023, https://jasc-chicago.org/about-us/
    2. JASC, “JASC Legacy Center Archives,” JASC, JASC, accessed July 2, 2023, https://www.jasc-chicago.org/archives/.

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    1. Exhibit: Nikkeijin Illinois. 19 Feb.-10 Dec. 2023, Spurlock Museum of World Cultures, Illinois.

    Resettlement in Chicago

    1. Hinnershitz, Stephanie. Japanese American Incarceration: The Camps and Coerced Labor during World War II. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021.
    2. Day, Takako. “Japanese in Chicago: 1860s - 1942.” Knox College, June 12, 2023.
    3. Saito, Emma Lincoln. “Descendant’s Experiences of Their Involvement in Activities Regarding Historic Preservation.” Knox College, June 16, 2023.
    4. Matsunaga, Erik. “Japanese Americans on Chicago’s South Side - Oakland/Kenwood 1940s-1950s - Part 1.” Discover Nikkei (blog), December 1, 2015. https://discovernikkei.org/en/journal/2015/12/1/oakland-kenwood-1/.
    5.  Yoshimura, Ayako. “Nikkei South Side Japanese and Japanese Americans in Hyde Park and Its Vicinity.” The University of Chicago Library, November 1, 2021. https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/collex/exhibits/nikkei-south-side-japanese-and-japanese-americans-hyde-park-and-its-vicinity/deemed-inadvisable-the-universitys-wartime-treatment-of-japanese-american-applicants/.
    6. The University of Chicago Library. “Nikkei South Side: Japanese and Japanese Americans in Hyde Park and Its Vicinity.” The University of Chicago Library, October 26, 2021. https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/about/news/nikkei-south-side-japanese-and-japanese-americans-in-hyde-park-and-its-vicinity/.
    7. Matsunaga, Erik. “Clark & Division: Japanese Americans on Chicago’s Near North Side, 1940s-1960s - Part 1.” Discover Nikkei (blog), January 20, 2020. https://discovernikkei.org/en/journal/2020/1/20/clark-and-division-1/.
    8. Matsunaga, Erik. “Clark & Division: Japanese Americans on Chicago’s Near North Side, 1940s-1960s - Part 1.” Discover Nikkei (blog), January 20, 2020. https://discovernikkei.org/en/journal/2020/1/20/clark-and-division-1/.
    9. Matsunaga, Erik. “30 Years of Lakeview: Chicago’s Japanese American Community 1960s-1990s - Part 1.” Discover Nikkei (blog), December 23, 2014. https://discovernikkei.org/en/journal/2014/12/23/lakeview-1/.
    10. Nagasawa, Katherine. “What Happened to Chicago’s Japanese Neighborhood?” WBEZ91.5CHICAGO, August 13, 2017. https://interactive.wbez.org/curiouscity/chicago-japanese-neighborhood/.
    11. Saito, Emma Lincoln. “Descendant’s Experiences of Their Involvement in Activities Regarding Historic Preservation.” Knox College, June 16, 2023.
    12. Saito, Emma Lincoln. “Descendant’s Experiences of Their Involvement in Activities Regarding Historic Preservation.” Knox College, June 16, 2023.
    13. Saito, Emma Lincoln. “Descendant’s Experiences of Their Involvement in Activities Regarding Historic Preservation.” Knox College, June 16, 2023.
    14. Lakeside Church of Chicago. “About Our Church,” March 1, 2022. https://lakesidechicago.church/about#history.
    15. Lakeside Church of Chicago. “About Our Church,” March 1, 2022. https://lakesidechicago.church/about#history.

    Universities’ Policies in Midwest during WWII

    University of Chicago

    1. Ayako Yoshimura, “Nikkei South Side: Japanese and Japanese Americans in Hyde Park and Its Vicinity,” The University of Chicago Library, Accessed July 17, 2023, https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/collex/exhibits/nikkei-south-side-japanese-and-japanese-americans-hyde-park-and-its-vicinity/.  
    2. Ayako Yoshimura, “Waseda-UChicago Baseball Exchange,” Nikkei South Side: Japanese and Japanese Americans in Hyde Park and Its Vicinity, The University of Chicago Library, Accessed July 17, 2023, https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/collex/exhibits/nikkei-south-side-japanese-and-japanese-americans-hyde-park-and-its-vicinity/wasedauchicago-baseball-exchange/
    3. Louise Lerner, “The First Nuclear Reactor, Explained,” University of Chicago News, University of Chicago Office of Communications, Accessed December 17, 2023, https://news.uchicago.edu/explainer/first-nuclear-reactor-explained#atomicbomb
    4. Eric Langowski, “Education Out of Incarceration,” Nikkei South Side: Japanese and Japanese Americans in Hyde Park and Its Vicinity, The University of Chicago Library, Accessed July 17, 2023, https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/collex/exhibits/nikkei-south-side-japanese-and-japanese-americans-hyde-park-and-its-vicinity/education-out-forcible-internment/
    5. Eric Langowski, “‘Deemed Inadvisable’ The University’s Wartime Treatment of Japanese American Applicants,” Nikkei South Side: Japanese and Japanese Americans in Hyde Park and Its Vicinity, The University of Chicago Library, Accessed July 17, 2023, https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/collex/exhibits/nikkei-south-side-japanese-and-japanese-americans-hyde-park-and-its-vicinity/deemed-inadvisable-the-universitys-wartime-treatment-of-japanese-american-applicants/

      Knox College

      1. Associated Students of Occidental College, “La Encina, 1942,” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/385/rec/1.
      2. Callimachus, “Japanese Youth Loyal to U.S. in Pacific Conflict [and] Oxy Nisei Speak..., The Occidental, December 10, 1941,” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/665/rec/1.
      3. Associated Students of Occidental College, “La Encina, 1942,” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/384/rec/1.
      4. Remsen Bird, “Letter from Remsen Bird to To Whom It May Concern, April 21, 1942,” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/327/rec/1.
      5. Remsen Bird, “Letter from Remsen Bird to Carter Davidson, President, Knox College, April 21, 1942,” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/328/rec/2.
      6. Remsen Bird, “Letter from Remsen Bird to J. Howell Atwood, Knox College, April 21, 1942.” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/331/rec/3.
      7. J. Howell Atwood, “Letter from J. Howell Atwood, Knox College, to Remsen Bird, April 27, 1942,” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/353/rec/1.
      8. John Badgley, “An Ear to the Ground, The Occidental, April 29, 1942,” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/664/rec/1.
      9. Charles J. Adamec, “Letter from Charles J. Adamec, Dean, Knox College, to Remsen Bird, May 6, 1942 (Pg1),” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/298/rec/1.
      10. Charles J. Adamec, “Letter from Charles J. Adamec, Dean, Knox College, to Remsen Bird, May 6, 1942 (Pg2),” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/299/rec/1.
      11. Charles J. Adamec, “Letter from Charles J. Adamec, Dean, Knox College, to John Nishiyama, May 6, 1942,” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/329/rec/2.
      12. Remsen Bird, “Letter from Remsen Bird to Charles Adamec, Dean, Knox College, May 12, 1942,” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/332/rec/1.
      13. Robert E. Fitch, “Letter from Robert E. Fitch, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Occidental College, to Remsen Bird, May 27, 1942 (Pg1),” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/81/rec/1.
      14. Robert E. Fitch, “Letter from Robert E. Fitch, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Occidental College, to Remsen Bird, May 27, 1942 (Pg2),” Callimachus, Accessed July 28, 2023, http://callimachus.org/digital/collection/p4004coll1/id/82/rec/1.
      15. John Nishiyama, “Letter from John Nishiyama to Remsen Bird, May 28, 1942,” Online Archive of California, Accessed July 28, 2023, https://oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt5t1nf2cx/?brand=oac4.
      16. Oberlin College and Conservatory, “Courage and Compassion: Student Biographies,” Oberlin College and Conservatory, Accessed July 28, 2023, https://www.oberlin.edu/courage-and-compassion-student-biographies.